Product and Process Audit
Process audit:As the name implies this type of audit verifies that a process is functioning within the limits established by the organization and (or) product specifications. Commonly the processes covered under these audits are Heat-Treatment, Non Destructive Testing, Painting and Coating, Pressure Testing, Calibration of an equipment, etc. Sometimes the elements of management systems are also included in these type of audits.
Product audit: Generally product is an output of a single or combination of multiple process. For example a steel forging is produced by multiple processes like Raw Material Cutting, Pre-Heating, Forging, Trimming and Heat Treatment. In these type of audits an examination of a particular product or service is carried out, to verify that whether it conforms to requirements (i.e., specifications, performance standards, and customer requirements).
Both these audits are normally carried out for a shorter duration of one or two days, intensely focusing one or two processes or products. The output of these audits provides significant areas of improvement in a process or the product resulting immense benefits to the organisations in terms of opportunities of improvements. API auditors also use these process audit techniques during an API audit.

AB ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS had been given assignment for giving our team an understanding on API Spec Q1 Addemdum-2. Mr. Parveen Kohli deployed an interactive methodology giving real examples and scenarios to bring about good clarity during training.Continue Reading
I am writing for the benefit of all those companies who wish to seek professional services to improve their Systems & Processes based on any national or international standard or any other internally prepared document including..Continue Reading
We, at Zoloto Industries, Jalandhar have been associated with “AB Engineers & Consultants” for the last seven years. You have been engaged with us to provide services for implementation and maintenance of Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001 and API Spec Q1)..Continue Reading
We, at Western Heat & Forge Pvt Ltd, Pune have recently taken the services of “A B Engineers & Consultants” for our organization, in the areas of training our employees on API Q1, API 20 B & API 20 C. We have also been supported by them in conducting..Continue Reading